Pak-n-Stor Storage - Calgary in Calgary, AB
Located at #C, 707 Barlow Trail SE, Calgary, AB, T2E 8C2, CA
About Pak-n-Stor Storage - Calgary
About the FacilityPak-n-Stor is the original Calgary mobile self storage company. We drop off a storage container to your home, you pack it tight, we pick it up and store it in our heated, secure, storage facility.
Show Business Hours Business Hours
Closed - ClosedMonday
9:00 am - 5:00 pmTuesday
9:00 am - 5:00 pmWednesday
9:00 am - 5:00 pmThursday
9:00 am - 5:00 pmFriday
9:00 am - 5:00 pmSaturday
Closed - Closed
Unit sizes
The biggest factor when it comes to self-storage prices is size. Below are some unit sizes for this facility.

Pak-n-Stor Storage - Calgary
Located at #C, 707 Barlow Trail SE, Calgary, AB, T2E 8C2, CA
Pak-n-Stor Storage - Calgary
#C, 707 Barlow Trail SE, Calgary, AB, T2E 8C2, CA
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Or call and get a quote: +1(403) 255-7213